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Basic Chemistry for OperatorsBasic Chemistry for Operators

This course teaches basic chemistry skills that will enhance operator understanding and subsequent learning.  CE value = 1.25 hours.  Topics covered include specific gravity, atomic structure, number and weight, units and measurement, chemical reactions, pH, solutions and suspensions and more.  Topics are applied to water and wastewater operations in a practical manner.  NOTE: If you wish to use this course for CE, please access it in the Continuing Education catalog.

Estimated Length: 1 hour(s) and 15 minute(s)


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Online Lesson1. Basic Chemistry for Operators -


Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to:

  1. List and define the states of matter
  2. Define and calculate specific gravity and density of a substance
  3. Identify the common forms of energy
  4. Identify and apply common units of measurement
  5. Calculate unit conversions
  6. Apply scientific notation
  7. Define basic chemistry terms such as atom, element, compound, ion, isotope
  8. Sketch and label a simple atom
  9. Define and apply atomic weight, atomic number and mole
  10. Read and apply chemical symbols and equations
  11. Calculate formula weight
  12. Define and list the properties of acids and bases
  13. Identify common chemicals and their effect on pH
  14. Define and apply the concept of pH
  15. Define and apply solutions and the parts thereof
  16. Define and apply suspensions, colloids, electrolytes, conductivity
  17. Perform calculations using the two and three normal equations
  18. Identify and describe basic analytical processes and quality control measures
Jim Matthews
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