Course Catalog
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Course CatalogCatalog: Basic Environmental Math

This course contains twelve lessons on the basics of environmental math, such as units of expression, order of operations and chemical feed rates. These provide the foundational skills required to perform more advanced mathematical operations found in environmental operations. NOTE: The additional "handouts" for this course are located as attachments in Lesson 1. CE value for 12 lessons plus successful completion of the final exam: 6.0 hours
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Basic Environmental Math Final Exam

Credits: 6
A final exam for the twelve Basic Environmental Math lessons. Note: If you are using this course for continuing education, you must complete Basic Environmental Math Lessons 1 through 12 as a prerequisite for the final exam. Successful completion of the final exam will award the certificate.

Basic Environmental Math Lesson 01

Units of Expression, English and metric units, unit conversions and metric prefixes. NOTE: If you are using this course for continuing education, be sure to print or save the course description located with the handouts in this lesson. All handouts for the Basic Environmental Math courses are located in this lesson (Lesson 1).

Basic Environmental Math Lesson 02

Order of Operations: Applying the proper order of mathematical operations in an equation

Basic Environmental Math Lesson 03

Rounding numbers to the proper number of significant digits

Basic Environmental Math Lesson 04

Calculating percentage

Basic Environmental Math Lesson 05

Averaging: calculating arithmetic average (mean)

Basic Environmental Math Lesson 06

Linear measurements and two-dimensional shapes

Basic Environmental Math Lesson 09

Flow rate and velocity

Basic Environmental Math Lesson 10

Hydraulics and pressure

Basic Environmental Math Lesson 11

Chemical feed rate calculations

Basic Environmental Math Lesson 12

Horsepower calculations
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